The world is strange and weird sometimes, made even stranger by us. Take for example this wacky collection of laws from around the globe. Strange Laws from Around the Globe, is presented by Be sure to share with your friends!
World Homicide Report (United Nations, 2013)
by Dr. James Wright The United Nations just released its 2013 report on world murder rates (UN Office of Drugs & Crime). It includes over 160 pages of color-coded charts and statistics detailing country homicide numbers (per capita), types of weapons/instruments (guns, knives, other agents), annual changes, etc. The Americas (North, Central, & South) now show higher murder […]
Earthquakes Now Formally Connected to Gas Fracking
By Dr. James Wright Ohio state geological scientists have now deemed the previous suspected connection between hydraulic gas fracturing and seismic disturbances (earthquakes). Previously, earthquakes and seismic tremors had been tied to the deep injection disposal of “fracking” wastewater but this marks the first time scientists have made a firm connection between the actual gas drilling process (“fracking”) […]
UN Scientists Find Global Warming Faster Than Expected
An esteemed panel of world scientists (including professors from Stanford & Princeton University) appointed by the United Nations have issued a 2500-page report demonstrating that Global Warming is occurring at a much faster rate than previously feared. These 100 scientists from across the world urge immediate action now to avert catastrophic consequences.